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Hampshire, United Kingdom
How to look after a parrott plant
Well, from what I can find out, it needs about the same care as Busy Lizzies indoors:
Bright indirect light, morning sun, or filtered sun.
No temps less than 7.5 deg. C, or more than 35 deg.
Regular watering, but let the top 1/2 cm dry between soakings.
Regular feeding.
Humidity around 40%.
If it's getting really tall and ragged, it can have selective pruning to make it more compact, but without removing more than 1/3 of the foliage.
The beaks should come back soon--it's an evergreen tropical plant that blooms year-round.
29 Sep, 2010
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Well, from what I can find out, it needs about the same care as Busy Lizzies indoors:
Bright indirect light, morning sun, or filtered sun.
No temps less than 7.5 deg. C, or more than 35 deg.
Regular watering, but let the top 1/2 cm dry between soakings.
Regular feeding.
Humidity around 40%.
If it's getting really tall and ragged, it can have selective pruning to make it more compact, but without removing more than 1/3 of the foliage.
The beaks should come back soon--it's an evergreen tropical plant that blooms year-round.
29 Sep, 2010