By Ianplant
United Kingdom
Problem with my GOY web site, who do I contact for help?
21 Oct, 2020
That is exactly my problem, were you running Google Chrome before?
21 Oct, 2020
Yes,Ian.and so were some of the other members,who were having the same problem.Do try it,and let us know if it works for you too..good luck..
21 Oct, 2020
Yes, I've had problems for months now and feel that I'll lose too much if I change browser. Doesn't it cause unintended consequences?
21 Oct, 2020
I can't see that I've lost anything at all,Merlin,but I can appreciate you might be concerned about changing. I'm not the sharpest tool in the box,as technology goes,but I'm glad I dared to change.
21 Oct, 2020
Well like magic my GOY site has corrected itself and I have all the pictures back of yourselves plus all the pictures in the questions perfect again. Whoever pushed the switch, thank you very much.This is such a super site,helpful ,friendly so much more entertaining than most TV programmes..Thank you all for responding.
21 Oct, 2020
That's great,Ian,welcome back to being among friends.:o)
22 Oct, 2020
Bad news, logging on tonight and I have lost all pictures again.I do not think its my PC at fault..
22 Oct, 2020
I've lost photos as well using Chrome. They show up on Firefox though
22 Oct, 2020
Mine are still fine,Ian,but if you notice,on Microsoft,the 'Grows on you 'website ,it is showing the 'not secure' address that we still use? If you click on the google Chrome one,it just says,'Grows on you' ,which is where all photo's are blank..The former one has been a matter of discussion lately,but as long as I can still see ,and access everything,I'm ok with that. Hope this makes sense ?
23 Oct, 2020
I have now downloaded Microsoft Edge and just use this browser when going into GOY. Hope this works now , many thanks to you all for the help, particuarly bloomer ,thankyou.
23 Oct, 2020
You are welcome,Ian,and thank you.I 'm not very good at 'techie speak' ,being a "Golden Oldie" so I'm glad you understood what I was trying to explain.good luck :o)
23 Oct, 2020
Try using Mozilla Firefox. I have a better experience overall with Firefox and not only with this site - - overall.
23 Oct, 2020
I use Firefox for GOY, and find it perfect. Still using Chrome for everything else though - while it works - if it ain't broke, don't fix it mentality!
24 Oct, 2020
Ian: Dave Shedman has a blog up now so you can ask him anything you want directly. He's the administrator for GoY.
26 Oct, 2020
Brilliant, Thank You all for all your information. As with honeysuckle I am using two search engines and all is fine. Thanks for the Dave Sherman link also, now I have the link,sods law, I will never need it.
Great site ,even made better by attracting some super people,
Thanks again
28 Oct, 2020
A few of us have had problems lately,Ian,and now use Microsoft edge,which seems to have solved them.. Pictures which were blank,mainly,but now restored..Unless it is something else you are having problems with ?
21 Oct, 2020