United Kingdom
Before I tip my herb tub out for inspection could you tell me whether vine weevils enjoy sage leaves. Something is leaving cut-outs.I do suspect the little critters.
26 Nov, 2020
Thank you SBG. It's as I thought. I found a weevil in the house yesterday as I seem to every year. Finding it impossible to squish the little thing, i just left it upstairs. Maybe that's cruel too.
26 Nov, 2020
I just stand on them which I don't enjoy but one in the house destroyed a very precious and old cyclamen.
remember they also chomp on houseplants and the vine weevil does not need a male. in fact a male hasn't been found.
Be brave merlinbd.
27 Nov, 2020
sadly yes they do. I have found grubs amongst my sage in the past.
26 Nov, 2020