By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Can I leave a dahlia in pot over winter in a dry frost free place? I have dug up my other dahlia's from my borders and they are currently drying out in garage before I store them away. Stumbled across a dahlia (Bishop's variety) half way through the summer and potted it up. To my joy it did produce some flowers later in the autumn. It seems fine in the pot and was wondering if I could keep it in the pot and store away in garage in wnter or must I take it out dry out and store accordingly? Many thanks
26 Nov, 2020
yes I have done that many times. I lie the pot on its side so it wont get wet if I water anything or snow blows in.
26 Nov, 2020
I do this every year but have to protect the pots from shed roof leaks.
26 Nov, 2020
Thank you all for your replies. I have just put up some fairy lights up outside to brighten up those long, dark nights. Counting down to 21 December!!
26 Nov, 2020
As long as the compost is dry and frost free (and assuming there are no mice) it should be fine. If you suffer from vine weevils you might like to check before storing.
26 Nov, 2020