By Catbells
United Kingdom
I purchased a mature 7 feet tall abies koreana in july and planted it in an open site in my garden back filling with compost recommended by the supply nursery. Over the past two weeks I have noticed some of the lovely dark green needles turning yellow, in particular the lower branches. Is this normal and if not what can I do to help this magnificent fir.
On plant
Abies koreana
15 Sep, 2010
I think you have little to worry about, especially if the new growth is still looking good. Trouble is with pot grown stock of that size, you never know the provenance, and the care it has received. However, in the ground is the best place, and this weather, some rain, some sun, will do it the world of good. Old needles are the first to fall away, and in times of stress, they are quickly shed, and I suspect that's what is happening. It's a beautiful tree. Has it got a prime position in which to show off? Phil J
15 Sep, 2010