By Humcat
United States
I believe this is a type of ginger but does anyone know the name of it? It smells heavenly and if a pineapple had a skeleton inside this is exactly what the flower looks like.

16 Sep, 2010
Thank you Jezzybear, Your good! It does look like H.flavescens Yellow Ginger as it is heavily perfumed and blooms on and oval head. This one is planted right outside my bedroom window. It always makes me happy when it finally starts to show the bloom head. Thanks again Catherine
20 Sep, 2010
Previous question
« Has any one got any idea of the name of this fern? please thanks ,,
This looks like the Yellow Ginger Lilly :)
Hedychium gardnerianum.
Common Name: Yellow Ginger Lily
Height: 1-2m Conditions: Bright filtered light to part shade.
Flowers: Summer to Autumn
Spectacular yellow flowers on upright stems. Cold tolerant.
16 Sep, 2010