By Donnaj1dlh
My lemon tree that sits in my conservatory is starting to suffer leaf drop. Otherwise it looks healthy, still budding and several big fruits.
The tree gets lots of natural light but the conservatory isn't heated so gets quite chilly at night. Could this be causing it? Should I move it into the house over the winter months?
16 Sep, 2010
Thanks for that Tugbrethil. I don't think it's lack of light being a problem as it sits in the conservatory :) I've just found the tree is covered in red spider mite and I'm wondering if that is the problem. Currently trying to get rid of the little buggers as I've read that can cause big problems! Finger's crossed.....
22 Sep, 2010
Red Spider? Yikes! They'll do it!
22 Sep, 2010
Day three of the soapy water drenching, and it SEEMS to be doing the trick, think the bugs have almost all gone.....
23 Sep, 2010
Previous question
It would have to get below freezing for it to act that way, Donna. The first things I would check would be the watering and feeding status--lack of either can cause this, as can lack of light. That last is also something to think about if you do move it into the house.
21 Sep, 2010