By Anget
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me which type of skimmia these are, please?
Bought from supermarket with no details. (Just 'decoration'!)

29 Jan, 2021
Yes,I think Skimmia Rubella too Anget..prefers Acidic soil.Mine isn't,but I added some Ericaceous when I planted it some years ago, and I give it a mulch now and then,and occasionally,(when I remember) a liquid feed ,that I use for Camellia /Pieris etc stop the foliage yellowing..It's been fine..
29 Jan, 2021
Thank you both, very useful information. I have potted them on and hope eventually to put them out.
29 Jan, 2021
I'd also go for Rubella. It is a male flower and I have mine in alkaline soil and light shade. I think the RHS says it isn't soil fussy. Certainly the ones we had when I was growing up were 30+yrs old on Magnesium carbonate which is a type of limestone so alkaline.
29 Jan, 2021
Thanks, SBG. I've never grown them before. They were sold as Christmas decorations in tiny 9cm pots, but I thought they'd eventually get big enough to put in a bigger pot or border. They've increased in size already.
29 Jan, 2021
There are others but probably Rubella from a supermarket. They smell delicious.
3 Feb, 2021
Thank you, Suea
3 Feb, 2021
Rubella maybe?
29 Jan, 2021