By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
I've just fallen prey to temptation and ordered three Loropetalum Chinense. I plan to plant them in a narrow bed bordering the patio. Then, when they're established, take cuttings to create a low, scented hedge along the length of this border. Does anyone know how long they take to grow? And what soil do they like please?
Thank you.
12 Feb, 2021
Thanks SBG. Good to know they are slow growing as the raised bed borders a narrow pathway. However, I may yet change my mind about positioning. I’m nothing if not decisive!
13 Feb, 2021
Mine has stopped growing at 2ft but it is in a pot. It is currently in my cold greenhouse because they are not fully hardy, so need protection from severe frost.
13 Feb, 2021
Same as Sheila. Mine is in a greenhouse at the moment and has not grown very much in 3 years. About 18 inches, but it isn't exactly nurtured so the slow growth may be my fault!
13 Feb, 2021
These are very popular in North Carolina but I'm too far North and they wouldn't survive the winters here. They are Southern plants because of the mild winters down there and lots of sun. Sun is key for a healthy vigorous plant. This variety grows very fast and should put on 1-2 feet per year reaching about 15 feet tall and features lovely deep pink flowers in the Spring above the crimson foliage.
Prune immediately after blooms fade so as not to cut off next year's flower buds. Give it full sun to keep the deep red foliage. It rarely has any pest or disease problems. It does need to be sheltered from cold winds and needs winter protection if your area is prone to freezes. There are many cultivars of Loropetulum and some stay miniature. The more sun it gets, the happier it will be. Pixie, Jazz Hands & Purple Daydream are all mini varieties.
13 Feb, 2021
So, some mixed messages but if they don’t like cold and will grow large then they are not for my garden. I haven’t posted the order yet and now I don’t think I will.
Thank you all. The information was very useful.
14 Feb, 2021
I can resist anything but Temptation!
They prefer slightly acidic soil and a mate has propagetd his and says they are relatively slow growing.
12 Feb, 2021