By Musicplayer
United Kingdom
how do I store oriental lillies for the winter also when is the best time to move rose bushes and how do I store fushias which have spent all summer in pots thank you
16 Sep, 2010
Golly - three questions in one!
1) Leave the lilies where they are, whether they're in pots or the soil.
2) Rose bushes - if they're not too old, remembering that they have deep roots, then you could do that when they're dormant - so November? Cut the top growth back by about a half or more before you do it, and make sure the new planting holes are ready. Water them in and feed them in the spring when you prune them.
3) Tender fuchsias need to be taken out of their pots, wrapped in damp newspaper and stored dryish in a frost-free place until spring. It's probably wise to cut them back too. Then repot in spring, move them to a lighter place, still frost-free, though, water them, and hopefully you'll see new shoots after a short while.
16 Sep, 2010