By Ladybug47
United Kingdom
if I build a wildlife pond can you transfer frog spawn so they come back once its established
16 Mar, 2021
ty seaburn,i dont know how long its going to take but prob be next spring I want it all ready first,unles they move in themselves,my sons doing it for me as i lost half my foot to sepsis,cant wait till it heals
16 Mar, 2021
oh that is an awful injury Ladybug. I do hope you heal quickly, such a nasty condition.
if the frogs don't move in naturally do you have friend who can give you spawn?
16 Mar, 2021
Sounds horrific. I do hope you heal quickly & best of luck with the pond.
16 Mar, 2021
ty all
16 Mar, 2021
Sending loads of sympathy Ladybug!
16 Mar, 2021
I just got a jamjar of spawn from a friend twenty years ago and have always had dozens of frogs arriving every spring ever since. Mine is the only pond for some distance and my worry is what will happen if I move and new owners get rid of the pond! Still, can only do what I can do to help preserve our wildlife for as long as I can.
I have 5 enormous clumps of frogspawn at the moment so there will be frogs hopping round the garden all through the summer, making me jump when I'm weeding.
I am very sorry about your foot. What a horrid thing to happen.
It would be lovely to hear how you and your son get on with the pond .
17 Mar, 2021
Hi Ladybug, sorry to hear about your foot.
Both the Wildlife Trusts and ARK (amphibian and reptile trust) advise against moving frog spawn. This is because of the possible spread of diseases (chytrid fungus and ranavirus) and invasive plants.
When I built my wildlife pond I got frogs breeding there in the first year, so they may find your pond fairly quickly.
The above is just advice so it's up to you if you want to transfer spawn in to your pond or not - either way I hope you get great success in having amphibians come to your garden for many years when your pond is in place!
17 Mar, 2021
found a frog in the garden ,covered it back up as its still chilly and found 3 doors up has a pond so all well there.ty all for the advise
20 Mar, 2021
Previous question
yes the tadpoles that hatch will consider this pond as theirs and will come back to it.
Don't put any fish in as they will eat the taddies and you then don't have a wildlife pond.
16 Mar, 2021