By Yorkslass
Last year I asked if anyone could think why my 4 foot Kojo No Mai had not flowered and I followed the advice which was to feed it. This year the bottom third is in full flower and there are some much later unopened buds above, though nothing like as many as there are lower down. Can anybody suggest what's going on please?
19 Mar, 2021
Its in the ground. Gardens here don't usually need much watering, lol but I'll try to remember. But wouldn't slow release fertilizer eliminate the need having to feed regularly?
I'm interested in why uneven feeding (or just once in Spring, which is what it had last year) would affect which part of the plant flowered?
19 Mar, 2021
I suspect the variation in flower distribution is down to the uptake of the feed by the plant during the growing season. this year feed little and often and keep it well watered. Is it in the ground or in a pot?
19 Mar, 2021