United Kingdom
Tulips not planted deep enough? I’ve realised that I haven’t been planted tulip bulbs deeply. Sarah Raven recommends 8”. The photo shows Princes Irene flowering this year for only the second time in 5 years. The first year wasn’t brilliant and since then, nothing. My question is, do bulbs move downwards so that they eventually flower?

3 Apr, 2021
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Thanks SBG that makes sense. Must make sure I plant bulbsdeeply enough.
4 Apr, 2021
generally [though there are exceptions] plant the bulb 3x the bulb height down, so a 2" tall bulb would need a hole 6" deep and loosen the soil a bit at the bottom so the roots have somewhere to grow into.
4 Apr, 2021
It's fascinating that some bulbs have that facility to get where they need to be. Thanks for the info.
5 Apr, 2021
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yes many bulbs and corms have contractile roots that place them where they want to be. It will take a season or two to get it right.
3 Apr, 2021