By Piers66
United Kingdom
Are these both chives?
I inherited some pots from a neighbour when they moved, without labels. Two are 'chive-like'. The paler, thinner, taller of the two I was eating last year, and they're how I remember chives tasting in my youth(!).
Is the other pot (close-up below) just another variety, or something different in the onion family? I don't remember seeing it flower last year.

13 Apr, 2021
well it is certainly an allium of some type. There are different types of chive apparently.
13 Apr, 2021
Possibly garlic chives?
The smell will be distinctly garlicy if they are. The leaves of those are much flatter than ordinary chives but its hard to be sure from the photo.
13 Apr, 2021
Not sure but the left photo could be an Egyptian onion?the other photo chives.
13 Apr, 2021