By Wizzbang
United Kingdom
Have I said that right? Lavateria!
Anyway you will all know what I mean.
This is a 'leggy' shrub normally and easy and quick to grow but if it is kept to say about four foot, does it become fuller? I would like to have it in the middle of my border rather than at the back because I love the smell and shape of mallow and have a few white mallow in the border. Would it work do you think?
23 Aug, 2008
Ahh thank you dizzy, I will 'stick' it in and give it a go lol. Have you ever smelt those wood mallow? are they white? the ones I have in the garden smell so devine, such a delicate smell, just like you would imagine when you look at the flower.
Lynne x
23 Aug, 2008
As you say, lavatera is a very fast-growing shrub and will easily make eight feet in a season. Trying to keep it to half that height is not really a good idea and it will get 'fat' as well
23 Aug, 2008
Hi, I saw a small border lavateria; I think it was in the Thompson & Morgan catalogue...I think it is bred for exactly the situation you describe...Ill keep an eye out when I go through the back catalogues and get back to you. I dont know whether you could achieve the same by nipping out the ends..(sorry, I don't know the terms). Wood Mallow grows wild in great abundance in the Cornish hedgerows...makes a lovely sight.
Take Care
23 Aug, 2008