By Ladybug47
United Kingdom
hello all,ive got a plant at the bottom of my garden nextdoor says its called biships weed,is it a weed and should i be digging it up
12 May, 2021
seaburn ty it is ground elder i looked it up,its in my wild bit.ive dug loads up but it keeps comeing back
13 May, 2021
yes it will unless you get the little 'pips' out, its like a mini rhizome. It will respond to weed killer especially later in the year when the weedkiller is taken into the underground storage parts.
13 May, 2021
ty will do that
13 May, 2021
Monks used to use it to help alleviate arthritis! (probably caused by all the weeding tryng to get rid, lol...)
13 May, 2021
lol.bloody stuff grows fast
14 May, 2021
Whatever you do, don't put it on the compost heap! We burn ours, but not everyone has a bonfire. Not sure about Council bins, probably not in there either.
You have a job for several years, we haven't got rid of ours yet, but I live in hope!
15 May, 2021
There are several plants with that common name. Ground elder being one, that you will probably wish to remove. As you are in the N/E I suspect it is ground elder as that is what my Sunderland family have always called it.
Can you up load a photo of it so we can be certain?
12 May, 2021