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what's this ?????


By Judylb

Channel Islands , Jersey

I have previously described this plant/bush without any response. I now can add photo



And a good photo it is, too! I have no idea what the plant is but, as you've asked before with no response, I thought I'd at least compliment you on your photography. Someone will know . . . I'll look out for the answer - quite attractive isn't it? Is it a bush or more upright?

23 Aug, 2008


Like spitz says its nightshade family. Just by chance i saw a photo of something that looks the same its called solanum aviculare or kangaroo apple.

23 Aug, 2008


I forgot to add the fruits are very poisonious especially when unripe.

23 Aug, 2008


Thankyou for your response Peteg, the photographer is actually my 12yr old son - (does think he's a bit of a 'David Bailey' at the moment.) It's hard to describe as a bush, as its rather leggy and prone to droop over, so have supported it with a cane. It has rapidly grown to about 1mtr high in 6ths. Unfortunately Spritzhenry thought it could be a poisonous potato plant and suggested if it was to destroy it. Doesn't look like other pictures of potato plants, so it can have reprive for now. Purple flowers are small but stuningly beautiful.

23 Aug, 2008


Hedgehogg, thankyou for your response, I shall go off and study some pictures of solanum aviculare right away. Really hoping that it isn't from this family as will have no choice but to destroy it and it is so beautiful. Thanking you again, Judy.

23 Aug, 2008


Some people grow these plants - i couldnt because i have toddler but maybe you can if you love it. There are loads of poisonious plants in peoples gardens lupins foxgloves hydrangea (spellings not my forte)

23 Aug, 2008


Its me again! Ive just read that they are edible when fully ripe only toxic when green.

23 Aug, 2008


It seems a shame to destroy the plant - if you don't have dogs/cats/youngsters who would be at hazard, have a word with 'David Bailey' about it's toxicity and enjoy it!

23 Aug, 2008


I just responded on your other question - sorry. I won't be boring and repeat it all here.

23 Aug, 2008


Thankyou to all for your sound advice, I have enjoyed this site for the first time today. I'm not to sure I'd try the fruit at any time because knowing my luck .......!!! I shall be back, as the saying goes. I'm going to ponder the fate of my beautiful ' Kangaroo apple ', at least I can call it something now, instead of the thingymybob plant.

23 Aug, 2008

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