By Lincslass
United Kingdom
My Abelia was hit hard the second week in April when we had the worst week and lowest temps in many years, it quite literally lost all the leaves, never as that happened before and I've had it years, I keep checking and it is producing new growth, I did prune it back by half but still looking sad in places, never having experienced this before with this particular shrub, I was wondering if its best to leave it alone now or continue cutting away the dry twiggy bits, all advice will be gratefully received....

23 May, 2021
Thanks Seaburn, I do admit I have considered doing that, I just thought I would ask when I spotted the new growth...
23 May, 2021
My gut feeling is to cut the dead stuff down almost to ground level and then hopefully it will come away again.
Sorry it has been so badly affected by the weather and as you say Lincs it isn't usually affected.
23 May, 2021