By Mark61
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi GoY just wondering if anyone as any ideas to what i could plant in two of these for the coming seasons?.They are already with soil etc just need some plants.Thankyou dear friends

21 Sep, 2010
Hi Maggy doh me what are alpines? and are they green or colourful?
21 Sep, 2010
Some alpines are evergreen and all alpines have flowers.
Alpines are very small plants that thrive in small amounts of soil, on alpine slopes.
Your garden centre would start to get a lot in now because they'll start to flower from winter onwards.
For colour 'now' why not plant some cyclamens in there and winter pansies maybe, it'll have to be something that has a very small root-run because your trough doesn't look deep enough for most plants to get their roots down deep enough.
I have a rockery and have a lot of alpines in there - i love small delicate plants :-))
21 Sep, 2010
Alpines would work well - but only if that sink is in full sun, not somewhere shady.
21 Sep, 2010
Just make sure there are drainage holes in it. If not, select bog plants!
21 Sep, 2010
It does need good drainage that is why I said plenty of grit to keep it open and free draining, I have added a photo of my antique sink that has a few alpines it badly needs re-doing though , thats a job for the spring though I think.
These sinks usually have a big plug hole in the bottom so they should drain alright with plenty of crocks at the bottom.
22 Sep, 2010
I agree. I wasn't referring to your comment Maggy, just wanting to make sure that there are drainage holes too or it will still get boggy no matter how much grit you add. My comment was in addition to yours.
22 Sep, 2010
ty so much for your comments i will add pictures this weekend ty you again mark :)))
23 Sep, 2010
What about adding plenty of grit and planting up with alpines?
21 Sep, 2010