By Cecelia
United Kingdom
Hello, I have a teasel which should flower this year. Does anyone know if the plant will continue living and put up new flowers each year, or is it just a biennial which I will have to pull up. Thanks Cecelia
13 Jun, 2021
Thanks for the advice. I would like to have a couple more teasels in the garden so I will make sure I get the young plants. Hope I get the Goldfinches too. Cecelia
13 Jun, 2021
yes this plant will die after flowering. As said, leave the dead flowers on to form seeds and lots of finches and some tits will really enjoy feeding on them. any seed that isn't eaten will fall to the ground and you will end up with lots of plantlets.
I will have to see if i can find a space for them in my garden.
13 Jun, 2021
Thank you, I love all the birds that visit the garden and a few more will be welcomed. I just wish they would pay for the nuts they eat. Cecelia
14 Jun, 2021
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They will die off when it has flowered, but please leave the seed heads. Not only are they very decorative in the winter with a misty covering of cobwebs or frosty white, but you may well be entertained by the Goldfinches which will come after the seed. This seed may help them survive the winter. Also you will get seedlings growing around it, if you want to move these do it quickly as they have a long taproot and don't like disturbance. Or you could steal one seed head from the birds when it has browned and grow your own.
13 Jun, 2021