By Cranberry
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have been reading a few gardening questions and didn't realise some Cyclamen are not hardy. I have just bought this one thinking it was hardy, what have I bought ? no name on the pot. It's larger than the one's I have in the rockery, should I take it indoors?

23 Sep, 2010
I think the "bedding cyclamen" are varieties of C. persicum. Not as hardy as H. hederifolium or C. coum but worth trying. Here they are reasonably hardy-ish. I have some that are a couple of years old.
Hederifolium and coum will both naturalise in shade and look lovely, though the colours are not quite as striking and varied as persicum. All have beautiful leaves as well as the flowers.
23 Sep, 2010
this is the one I mentioned when answering another question - these are sold as pot bedding at this time of year, and will look good up to Christmas, if you're lucky, will need replacing around then or maybe a bit before, depending on how cold the weather is. On the other hand, here in my part of London, one of my neighbours manages to keep them all winter, planted in a very sheltered area with full sun - though not last year!
I well remember being at the garden centre last September/October - there was a woman with a trolley full of these in red, plus some baby shrubs and ivies - she was telling me she thought they were Christmassy and would be great for when her visitors arrived. I did warn her, she didn't take any notice, but given how bad last winter was BEFORE christmas, never mind after, I can't imagine she had her display by then.
24 Sep, 2010
Thank you, will risk it for a short spell but if weather gets realy cold I can at least move the whole pot to a more sheltered area.
24 Sep, 2010
Just as extra info, Cranberry, bedding used to be done twice in winter - things like ornamental cabbages and these cyclamen for autumn, then hardier stuff like small conifers, ivies, hardy pansies, polyanthus etc., for the real winter through to Spring. And in rich houses, bedding was replaced very three months or so... as the seasons changed. The modern idea of bedding twice a year, autumn and late spring, means that people don't realise some of the stuff is only going to last 3 months at most...
24 Sep, 2010
Thank you
26 Sep, 2010
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these are miniature cyclamen, not hardy I'm afraid although delightful & will stand a reasonable amount of cold. Hederafolium & coum are two hardy cyclamen, one flowers in spring the other in autumn. Superb nasturtium alaska next to pot.
23 Sep, 2010