By Hank
United Kingdom
I have 10 or 12 comfrey plants in my garden, if I don’t use them to make a fertiliser can I put them in my compost bin, stems and all ? And should I chop up the stems?
15 Jul, 2021
Thanks very much SG, I thought so, will do as you suggest.
16 Jul, 2021
Comfrey is a prolific spreader & self seeds like crazy. It can quickly get out of control. If your plants have seeds, I would bag them up for collection. The roots will sprout up again as well.
16 Jul, 2021
thanks B, but my comfrey plants are confined to a poor strip of soil about 8 ft x 2 ft where nothing else will grow, and can’t spread at all.
17 Jul, 2021
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they compost really well. I usually chop mine up into 6-8" pieces just to make the process faster.
15 Jul, 2021