By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
My husband is growing French and runner beans up bamboo poles against a fence in our small garden as there isn’t anywhere else suitable. The French beans are fine but he wants to know why the runners are growing banana shaped. He doesn’t believe it’s the variety that causes this. Can anyone help?
27 Jul, 2021
It seems it is happening to lots of us, put it down to heat? and water.
28 Jul, 2021
Thank you for your replies. I’ve long thought that when he waters he doesn’t use enough, particularly on his tomatoes. He usually waters in the morning and then gives not very much. I think a good drenching would be better in the evening as they have less chance to dry out. However, he’s been growing veg for nigh on 60 years so I don’t argue but let him get on with it. Maybe your answers will encourage a change of mind.
Thanks again.
28 Jul, 2021
I find they tend to curve more if they don't get enough
regular water. Still edible, just a begger to slice lengthways.
27 Jul, 2021