By Marjories
United Kingdom
How do you take cuttings from a hydrangea and what do you plant them in l
Any suggestions gratefully received l
13 Aug, 2021
Thank you for the the advice Eileen. Hope you are all keeping well.
14 Aug, 2021
I know a couple methods that work well. Growth hormone is not required. Both methods will produce a clone of the parent plant.
1) Snip off a new growth that has not flowered yet with at least 3 growth nodes. Then snip off all leaves except the top 2 leaves. Place in a glass of water in bright indirect light. You should see roots in about 3 weeks. After a month or two, pot up the cutting in sterile potting soil. Let it grow on for about 6 months, then acclimate your new hydrangea bush to the outdoors.
2) Go out to your hydrangea bush and find 1 of the very bottom branches. Strip off all the leaves in the middle part of the branch (about 3 nodes) and press that part down into the soil. Place a brick or rock on top so that part of the branch is pressed firmly down into the soil. Just leave the brick there but do not sever the branch from the bush. Keep the bush well watered. After about 3 months, the branch will sprout roots where it's touching the soil. Let it grow on for a couple more months then you can sever from the mother bush.
14 Aug, 2021
you need a semi ripe cutting,[greenish turning brownish now would be ideal. take a 4-6 inch non-flowering stem and remove the leaves leaving the top pair and possibly the next pair.
pop the cutting in a free draining compost and keep damp but not wet. Cover with a poly bag or similar to keep humidity up. Roots should appear in about 4-6 weeks .
I tend to put 5/6 cuttings around the edge of a 9cm pot.
hope this helps Marjorie.
14 Aug, 2021