By Charnwood
Dublin, Ireland
Good morning all, I need advice please, I'm thinking of lifting some of my patio paving as I feel there is far too much of it, I'd like to put in a tree or two, which species I don't know, also I'm thinking of some some ground cover but not grass something that can take being walked on at times, any advice will be very welcome, thanks
- 29 Aug, 2021
Same with me. Your patio looks great but you could grow Erigeron karvinskianus, Mexican fleabane or Tymes between the slabs to take off the plaineness.
29 Aug, 2021
I think it looks lovely too Charnwood,have you thought of adding pots,for seasonal colour instead ? I suppose if you did decide to have a tree,it would need to be shallow rooted,so as not to spread and lift your remaining pavers? Personally,I don't think two would be viable..Sorry to sound so pessimistic..
29 Aug, 2021
that is a great patio why not add some pots for colour and or a statue in the centre of the ring, a word of caution if you do remove some and change your mind it will never go back as good.
29 Aug, 2021
Many thanks for your advice and yes I do think you're all correct in your thinking, I'll hold off on lifting the slabs
30 Aug, 2021
I'm sure you won't regret your latest decision ,Charnwood. Glad to be of some help,from friends on Goy. :o)
30 Aug, 2021
I was going to give a caution. If you plant a tree, you will need to remove enough paving to match the width of the future canopy of the tree. That could be the entire patio!
30 Aug, 2021
Previous question
Your patio looks lovely as it is, why change it?
29 Aug, 2021