By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
After watching GW I liked the plant Vernonia. Does anyone know anything about it? For instance, is it a thug? How much does it spread and do slugs like it? If they do I can't buy it as the garden next door is a wilderness and a haven for slugs and snails.
29 Aug, 2021
If you mean Vernonia and not Veronica then I have heard of it but dont know much about the genus.
did they say which Vernonia species it was?
Sorry I cant really help. Google says there may be 350 or so species and it is in the asteracea, so a daisy type family.
29 Aug, 2021
I did mean Vernonia. I wonder if it’s a more specialised plant though. The RHS website mentions it but I would prefer to hear from someone who already has the plant.
Went to a local nursery this morning (and nearly froze, the weather is so cold) but, as expected, there was no sign of it.
30 Aug, 2021
LOL I apologize for my mis reading the question. Thank you Eileen for letting me know so eloquently. I would still recommend veronica for anyone with a sunny spot to fill.
30 Aug, 2021
I don't know which one you saw on the programme, but my old Readers Digest Plant Encyclopedia lists Vernonia crinata as the one that is usually grown in the UK; describes it as a hardy herbaceous perennial that needs a large border 'where it can provide a stately backdrop for smaller, more colourful plants'. Also says it can be invasive but removing the seed heads when they appear helps to prevent spread. Height and spread 1.8 x 50cm, prefers well drained soil in an open, sunny site - may need some support.
It does not mention any other varieties; the description says it has brownish flowers but the photo looks like a drab, dull, reddish purplish colour. Looking at it, I can't say I'd be trying to acquire it - it looks vaguely similar to verbena bonariensis, only a lot bushier with a lot more stems/foliage and with duller flowers...
31 Aug, 2021
Thanks Bamboo. Invasive? Definitely not in my small garden. However I did find listed different varieties which seemed quite pretty and were not invasive. Still, I’m giving up on that, not prepared to risk it - even if I could find one.
31 Aug, 2021
Vernonia arkansana is available on line - Beth Chatto and Hardy's Cottage garden plants have it on sale.
31 Aug, 2021
I've been growing Veronica for years and it's a joy. I have Royal Candles and I just picked up a pink one.
No it's not a thug. I had it for 5 years and only divided it once. It spreads slowly, but you can divide it. Cuttings will take root readily. Slugs leave it alone and its not bothered by much. It just wants lots of sun and soil that drains well. I never water it. It only gets rain and its fine with that. Bees and butterflies are all over it. Mine has been in bloom for over a month. It has a compact & tidy growth habit. Would I recommend this plant for your garden? Yes! I just added a pink one. When the blooms finally fade, give the plant a 'haircut' but not completely flush to the ground.
29 Aug, 2021