United Kingdom
I got a short buddleia from a garden centre but there are no instructions with it. I'm assuming that it will tolerate dry conditions like its large versions. I see them growing on the side of rocks and buildings where can't be much soil. I love it and it's already attracting interest from bees. I've put it in a pot with trailing thyme. Do you have any tips please?
2 Sep, 2021
Thanks SBG. I'll remember what you said about the roots and give it some protection in winter - it feels quite wintry today here!
3 Sep, 2021
If it is the same as mine, "Buzz" type they are same as the bog standard.
Mine is in a small pot near front door which bakes in the summer sun. I suspect it would do better in the ground because it's leaves do not look very healthy but it flowers fine, I feed it tomato fertiliser weekly in summer
This year I have taken cuttings and two seem to have taken, I'll try these in open ground for next year
I prune it as a normal one & dead head as normal
3 Sep, 2021
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as it is in a pot make sure it doesn't dry out. they may need frost protection as the roots will get close to the cold sides. Also frost may break your pot.
did it have a varietal name? if it did then google that and see what is recommended.
2 Sep, 2021