By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Advice Please.
I was once told to plant a Fritillaria imperialis 'Orange Beauty on its side so to keep the head getting too wet so it wouldn't rot? What is your thoughts on this please xx
5 Sep, 2021
also the plant will right itself next season. I suspect the bulbs have a hollow bit where the stalk was and then water would pool. But once in the ground soil would fall into the gap.
5 Sep, 2021
Previous question
« Good morning. I'm after some recommendations for a tall back border perennial...
Kevin Pratt, who wrote the book on Fritillaria recommended doing that, BUT he lived in an area with high rainfall and on a clay soil. In sandy soil or very well drained places it is probably not needed.
5 Sep, 2021