Milk Parsley
By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
Does anyone grow Milk Parsley? Is it friend or foe and is it a healthy plant that won’t be too invasive?
7 Sep, 2021
There is a wild flower called this Peucedanum palustre and the RHS lists Selinum wallichianum subsp. tenifolium as Cambridge Milk Parsley. a totally different genus but similar appearance.
I dont grow it but is typical of the umbellifers in mid/late spring.
7 Sep, 2021
Never heard of it but Google says it makes a fabulous border perennial.
8 Sep, 2021
Thank you all, your comments have helped.
I didn't think there were any comments as I didn't receive email notifications. Has this been stopped?
14 Sep, 2021
not that I am aware of. Glad you found it though.
14 Sep, 2021
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New one on me. Never heard of it to be honest.
7 Sep, 2021