By Pammie
United Kingdom
I’ve cleared & thoroughly cleaned my greenhouse ,Hubby’s making me some * New Staging *. IFancy this year growing something over the Winter months in the Greenhouse .Anyone got any Good Ideas ??
6 Sep, 2021
I actually wondered if there was any Veg I could grow ?
6 Sep, 2021
you could start off broad beans, some brassicas to give you an early start for the next years growing season.
6 Sep, 2021
Spinach, mache, cilantro (if you like it), assorted mezclun, green onions, and dwarf peas all will grow and produce with short days and cool temperatures. Same with kale and mustards, not to step on Seaburngirl's toes. :)
7 Sep, 2021
Thanks to all my replies everyone 🧤🧤
7 Sep, 2021
my toes are fine Tug, i dont tend to do much veg so everyone's suggestions are going to help me too.
7 Sep, 2021
Is the greenhouse heated? if yes -tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash. If it's not heated brassicas, peas, green beans, beets, spinach.
7 Sep, 2021
Previous question
« Cosmos not flowering. I made a boob and fed some of my cosmos as they weren't...
Well done! You could try Tibouchina … glory flower, intense blue … that would be my choice, and also deep pink Bougainvillea.
6 Sep, 2021