By Roger
United Kingdom
Could someone tell me why some of my Aloe Vera plants are very dark and the others are a lovely green
22 Sep, 2021
I will try and get a picture
22 Sep, 2021
Are you sure they are all the same variety? Varieties can have quite a wide colour range.
22 Sep, 2021
we have about 6 large plans now all from one original plant so all genetically the same. and hey have varying colours too. if the have been too hot/sun or cold etc that alters the colour in the plant. they do become uniform once the conservatory temp settles. the newer leaves are also paler in the ones we have.
22 Sep, 2021
In the case of Aloe vera itself--and I have seen all sorts of Aloe labelled "Aloe vera"--plants with a little too little light are usually a light lime green. Plants with good sunlight are usually blue-gray in color. With good light and coldish nights, they may develop an orangeish bronze color--which is their form of plant antifreeze. Lack of water or nitrogen will make them bronzey, also.
27 Sep, 2021
Is it soft and squishy? That can be due to over watering, but a picture would certainly help.
22 Sep, 2021