By Davebuchan
United Kingdom
Hi folks
I planted these potatoes on the 12th of August and noticed the shaws are starting to wilt I have fed them with potato manure and keep them moist the bags are about 6inches from the top with compost is there anything to worry about ie will I still get a crop at the beginning of December the name is Nicola

23 Sep, 2021
If the compost is 6" from the top I'd be inclined to top it up as the pots are possibly a bit on the small side. Better protect them from frost too up where you live! Have they had enough light? Yield is not easy to forecast but good luck anyway!
23 Sep, 2021
Thank you I will get on to that tomorrow
23 Sep, 2021
they look as if they are stretching for the light and then wind damage has knocked them about a bit. I'd put a stake in and use twine to support them.
23 Sep, 2021