By Pdb
United Kingdom
Do I need to take out all the old compost in my summer bedding pots and put all fresh compost in for tulips. I usually take about the top 4 inches out and leave the rest in. Is this method ok?
29 Sep, 2021
I do this too but don't do it next year, use it as a soil 'improve'. As Owd says add slow release food. I usually do that in the spring otherwise it can wash out during the winter.
29 Sep, 2021
Ok thanks for your replies. Busy days gardening at this time of the year and didn’t want to make extra work than us needed.
29 Sep, 2021
Its more important to feed if the tulips are the kind that will come back another year, as a new bulb should have enough food stored to take it over flowering for one season.
But adding some food is good all the same and vital if you replant after flowering..
30 Sep, 2021
A Which survey found that it's not a problem to re-use compost. Of course, add some fresh if you want to and feed as required. I've stopped throwing used compost on the beds and happily pot new plants into it. New plants have been fine and I've been doing this for about 5 years.
2 Oct, 2021
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As long as you refresh the food in the compost and there are no pests in it, then I cannot see any problems. I usually add some slow release pellets to our pots.
29 Sep, 2021