By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Iris confusa Martyn Rix form
Does any one grow this? Not sure if I should be cutting it back like one does with other rhizomous Iris or if it should just be left alone. There are a lot of dying leaves at present which do need pulling off.
11 Oct, 2021
Hi Owdy, i do grow Iris confusa Martyn Rix. It is semi evergreen and the flowers appear at the ends of the stalk, small and blue. It does like a sheltered position otherwise the leaves and stems get brown and withered and look unsightly. If you cut them off green stems you wont get any flowers. You wouldnt get any on the brown dead stems anyway, so by allmeans cut those off, hoping they have made new runners for the future.
I think the solution is find a sheltered position it likes.
Good luck
18 Oct, 2021
18 Oct, 2021
I have a plant that Siris sent to me earlier in the year. I dont know the answer but from what I can find the stems can lie down and root so its is left alone.
I hope Siris sees this question. I 'll send her a pm about it.
11 Oct, 2021