By Callie1914
United Kingdom
Hi all. I would like to add some fern to my garden, could anyone recommend some that are well behaved. I need one for the front of my border and others for the back, thank you for any help.
21 Feb, 2022
Thank you SBG, for your help. I will have a look.
21 Feb, 2022 is a site a specialist garden centre that has a large selection of ferns and they will give you advice too.Bear in mind that most British ferns are deciduous but there are some evergreen ones too. There are various sizes - the harts tongue SBG mentioned is small and evergreen, the Dryopteris are mostly quite tall and deciduous . A few will thrive in dry soil which can be useful.
21 Feb, 2022
Check out the maidenhair fern (adiantum) too. Very dainty and suitable for the front of the border
21 Feb, 2022
Thank you Steragram, I will have a look at that site. sounds interesting, thank you for your help.
22 Feb, 2022
Thank you for your help Andrewr, thats sounds lovely and just what I want
22 Feb, 2022
Let us know what you choose Callie?
3 Mar, 2022
There are lots of lovely ferns in a range of sizes and shapes.
click on the F at the bottom and you will find lots of pictures of ferns and many will have their names.
I like the hart's tongue fern and the many Dryopteris species and variants. Check that some of the painted ferns will cope temp wise where you are, I have to have them in very sheltered spots.
21 Feb, 2022