By Kate123
East Yorkshire ,
United Kingdom
Hello, we have an established box which is a lovely big clipped ball shape. It’s healthy and green too. It’s about 18 inches in diameter. We shall have to move it when we alter the patio at the back of the garden..we’d love to be able to transplant it elsewhere. Would this be feasible and if time?
Many thanks. 🙂
24 Feb, 2022
I agree with owd, then don't spare the watering for a few months.
Have you had snow today Kate? We did at ten and by the time we got to High Hunsley there was over an inch. 3 hrs later all gone.
24 Feb, 2022
Thank you so much Owdboggy! I really appreciate your feedback. I will certainly follow your advice.
24 Feb, 2022
Thanks Eileen. Yes, we had a soft snow flurry about the same time. Then not long after...sunshine and blue skies! I took the chance then to get out in the garden!
24 Feb, 2022
Yes, Any time it is clement weather and soil warmish. Big as possible root ball. Water well before and after. Dig the new hole before removing the plant from its present position. That way any exposed roots are only in the air for a short time.
24 Feb, 2022