By Steragram
United Kingdom
I have two box bushes, one on each side of steps down to the lawn. They have missed trimming for the past two years because I wasn't well enough to do it. How drastic can I be taking them back to the shape I wanted? They have got too fat - they were meant to have more of a triangular section and are making the steps a bit narrower.
than they should be. Can I do it now or should I wait a bit?
27 Feb, 2022
I don't think they mind some hard pruning Sue but as Eileen has suggested I'd leave it for a few weeks.
I haven't got mine in any particular shape and they are also variegated so they only grow slowly and therefore don't need so much attention, but I never do it as early as this.
28 Feb, 2022
That goes with my gut feeling. We've had such a very mild winter here - only a few ground frosts, soon melted
. Still, sod's law says if you bank on it staying like that then Bang , a hard frost will descend on you...
How much do you think I can safely trim back?
28 Feb, 2022
Watch out for nesting birds, you never know.
1 Mar, 2022
at least by 1/2 Sue.
2 Mar, 2022
Debs there's no danger there - too many cats around and the birds have made themselves scarce. I do miss them but the cats are ours...
Eileen do you mean half the new growth or half the whole branch?
3 Mar, 2022
I'd start with 1.2 the new growth and then take more off later in th eyear.
3 Mar, 2022
Thanks Eileen. Yesterday I found that my occasional gardener has done the job that morning without mentioning it! I do dislike having to have somebody else to help but I guess it comes to all of us in the end...Lucky to find him really as they are like gold dust round here if you want anything more than mowing and trimming.
9 Mar, 2022
you can be quite 'firm' with them but I'd wait until later in March if it were me. If you are uncertain do it a couple of stages spring mid late summer etc.
28 Feb, 2022