By Somhairle
Roses with wax jackets?
Today I bought a couple of dry rooted roses. I was surprised to find that the stems of the roses were coated in green wax. Why is this? Is it to prevent transpiration before planting?
What should I do with this? I was not sure if I should leave it to fall off as the plant grows, or if I should remove it now.
8 Mar, 2022
Thanks, Owdboggy.
9 Mar, 2022
We have problems with the wax melting and cutting off oxygen to the stems, but that is mainly because of our hot climate, here in the desert.
10 Mar, 2022
Here in the west of Scotland, that is not a problem I need to worry myself about, Tugbrethil! :) Finding a dry day to garden is my problem! :)
11 Mar, 2022
Always used to be done to prevent dehydration The wax will eventually dissolve, so nothing for you to do.
8 Mar, 2022