Japanese Anemone
By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
I have been struggling to rid one of my flowerbeds of the pretty but thuggish Japanese Anemone. I have a very small garden but I was persuaded to buy the plant after watching several episodes of Garden Rescue as they seem to be very much loved by the designers on there. As soon as I realised how much they spread I knew they’d have to go. Sadly they had other ideas. I have sprayed countless times, dug them out (I thought) but all to no avail. They just keep appearing. Should I just give up or is there a foolproof remedy?
12 Mar, 2022
I found one to be a bit thuggish and as soon as I see new growth I hoe it off. that part now looks to be clear, though a friend suggesting spraying Glyphosate after flowering so the weed-killer gets taken down into the roots.
12 Mar, 2022
Same with me. I rescued a couple of the white variety from my daugther's garden and bought some of the pink variety from the local nursery. This one of my biggest mistakes in my present garden. Just like you, I have been digging them up in my herbacious beds. Tried spraying glyphosate through a plastic bottle with the bottom cut out to protect other shrubs. I suspect it's a loosing battle but has become a crusade.
12 Mar, 2022
Agree the old fashioned ones are thugs Class A. But I had no trouble with the cultivar Honorine Jobert and I think the other cultivars are OK too. There's a beauty called White Swan which I haven't got but lust after as its a double.So don't throw out the baby with the bath water.
12 Mar, 2022
Much as I would like to move house, it is a bit drastic, Owdboggy :).
It looks like I shall have to continue to wage battle. Thanks for all the comments.
13 Mar, 2022
Previous question
Sorry, we tried getting rid for over 20 years in the last place. In the end we gave up and moved!
12 Mar, 2022