By Janey
Hi everyone, this is a bit of a strange one.
My neighbour across from me has had something eating the flowers of her spring bulbs and primulas.
She has a large walled garden, mainly laid to lawn with Apple trees and borders and areas of gravel with primulas and foxgloves.
These last few weeks, the primulas have been decimated and aquilegias eaten away.
Now her daffodils buds have huge holes in them and the insides eaten.
Like everywhere, we have a problem with wood pigeons and there are large numbers that sit in her Apple trees. We thought these must be the culprits, but the holes in the daffodils don't look like pecked holes. Would snails and slugs eat them?? This early in the year and I thought daffodils were toxic.
Does anyone have any ideas please, it's quite heartbreaking to see.
13 Mar, 2022
Goodness Owdboggy, so the slugs are sliding up the daffodils stems? I am sorry to hear about your tulips, I've never come across this before. Thank you I'll let her know.
13 Mar, 2022
I'd agree that its likely to be slugs/snails. Not noticed them attacking Aquiegias so there might be something else like a rabbit getting in too.
14 Mar, 2022
Yes, it’s amazing Janey - I have actually seen slugs climb and they can move quite fast 😟.
14 Mar, 2022
Thank you both, she was very pleased that it wasn't the wood pigeons doing their worst. I'm sure she'll have sprinkled some slug pellets round the bulbs now.
What a nuisance slugs are and so many types too.
I've had a wood pigeon busy eating the new flower buds of my weeping cherry, just so fed up with them.
14 Mar, 2022
In autumn planted a lot of native daffodils but they have been decimated by slugs or snails. I thought that native species would have evolved to repel the molluscs. Perhaps they weren't native after all.
Every year many of my snowdrops get eaten but I wouldn't dream of using slug pellets because of the harm they do to wildlife in general.
14 Mar, 2022
Oh no! Not your cherry Janey - it’s your favourite isn’t it? What a pest they are … x
14 Mar, 2022
Hello, sorry to be late getting back to you.
I find it heartbreaking Merlinbaby, that all your hard work and hopes for a pretty spring garden have been decimated by the S&S.
And snowdrops too? Well there must be something we because the problem is now getting far out of hand. Beer traps used to be a solution years ago, though I've never tried them. The warmer winters are helping them to be active earlier and breed earlier too.
We all will.have to be on nightwatch with our torches won't we...:)
Yes Sheila, they did the same last year, they slide down the branches far as they can. This means it gets an early spring prune!
I'm sorry to hear that Klahanie, there's no escaping there? We'll have to forget the early spring flowering plants and only grow what they really don't like to.combat them..:( I hope you're still enjoying your hummingbirds..
22 Mar, 2022
Thankyou Janey. My double daffs get scoffed every year but I'm learning to live with s and snails. I've tried garlic spray in the past but didn't have the desired effect. They're part of our ecological system and have their place, I know that, but they are such a flippin nuisance. Sheep wool pellets are very effective but far too expensive for large areas.
11 Apr, 2022
Yes, Daffodil flowers are much beloved by molluscs. We are having this problem too. Tulips are attacked also.
13 Mar, 2022