Chicken Manure
By Begoniafan
United Kingdom
Does this attract unsavoury insects eg houseflies?
25 Aug, 2008
I don't scatter the pellets, I make my own patent mix in a large trug whenever I plant something. It consists of mostly home-made compost, the recommended amount of pellets, and a little bought compost. This back-fills the large hole I dig. I suspect that the smell of the pellets if scattered could well attract flies! They do pong a bit, don't they. LOL.
26 Aug, 2008
I suppose after a period of time the smell will die down/disappear????
-Won't it??
26 Aug, 2008
I should think so, as they break up and get taken down into the soil by rain/worms. Are you suffering?
27 Aug, 2008
It's one of those smells you think you smell all day-even after going into the house. However, if I see a difference in my plants next season then it's worth it !
27 Aug, 2008
Oh, I am sure that you will. It seems to be good stuff - even if it does smell. I have bought different brands each year (due to special offers st the time) and some definitely smell worse than others! Next time I go over to the greenhouse I will stick my nose in the current pot and see if it's a less smelly one - I think it is - and let you know the name.
27 Aug, 2008
Thanks SpritzH -you know this one actually states on the container that it has a 'pleasant' odour !!!
27 Aug, 2008
It says GX on the side and it's a yellow plastic box. I'm sure the smelly one was the previous Westland pot. Your manufacturer must have either a strange sense of smell or a good sense of humour!
28 Aug, 2008
Most manures attract flies.
26 Aug, 2008