By Phloxie
United Kingdom
Is it possible to move fritillaria meleagris whilst in flower. I have quite a few and would like to take them with me when I move house shortly.
25 Mar, 2022
Thanks for giving me the encouragement to go for it Steragram I guess that is what I wanted to hear. Also thanks for your good wishes on the move.
25 Mar, 2022
You might as well chance it after all - you definitely won't have them in your new garden if you don't risk it!
26 Mar, 2022
Well I guess you've got nothing to lose. Choose a pot or pots that are plenty big enough and put some compost in the bottom. Dig deeply and carefully lift , and transfer to the pot(s)all in one lump if you can to limit any damage. Whether its best to put straight in the new garden or leave them in the pot until they've died back a bit you can use our own judgement at the time.
As an experienced gardener you know all this already...Just encouraging you to go for it really, and wish you success.
Sending good wishes for the move and all the best in your new home.
25 Mar, 2022