By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Sooty mould!
Rhododendron and Pieris covered in it. How to remove?
28 Mar, 2022
Very large! Sprayed against the aphids, but that still leaves the mould. We are talking 2 metres by 3 metres of Rhody by the way.
28 Mar, 2022
ah not realistic to wipe all the leaves then.
I suppose the soapy wash /spray would loosen the sooty mould then spray with water to rinse it off.
29 Mar, 2022
The most likely cause is cushion scale infestation rather than aphids - sooty mould at this time of year is a typical indicator. Best to treat for scale a bit later on and if it is scale, getting rid of those should get rid of the sooty mould over time.
29 Mar, 2022
First thing I looked for, but did not find any scale at all.
29 Mar, 2022
That suggests there is a scale insect or greenfly issue. The sooty mould should wipe off as it is feeding on the honeydew secreted by the insects. how large are they Owd? a mild soap solution would help.
28 Mar, 2022