Lewisia Cotyledon
By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
My Lewisia is just coming into bloom, like a coronet of flowers. How do I cut it back after flowering? Also how much do I cut off each spring when the buds appear?
22 Apr, 2022
when I grew them I just took off the spent flower and any tatty leaves as the seasons progressed.
22 Apr, 2022
Thank you. Both that’s what I’ve been doing but earlier this year the lower leaves were in a very sorry state and I didn’t know if I should have removed them in the autumn.
23 Apr, 2022
Leaf removal is an on going procedure for me.
23 Apr, 2022
All I have ever done with Lewisia is to remove the whole of the spent flower stalks (unless I want seed). Otherwise I just pull off any dead leaves.
Not certain what you mean about cutting bits off in spring.
22 Apr, 2022