By Pammie
United Kingdom
Is it time to set Carrot seeds When can I leave Tomato plants out ,been Hardening outside ,the back in greenhouse at night Also have grown from my saved seeds Marrigolds can they go out
9 May, 2022
Thanks. Seaburngirl Had a full day sorting greenhouse & Again putting Tomatoes, Flowers etc out to harden off ,then of course back again into greenhouse . But Worth it
9 May, 2022
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I sowed my carrot seeds yesterday and as long as no frost is forecast you can pant your toms out. But have some fleece just in case you need to cover them if frost forecast.
If they are English marigolds, Calendula, they are hardy and as long as you do the in out treatment for a week they will be fine. I sow mine direct in the ground. If they are the French/African ones then harden off for 2 weeks then plant out
9 May, 2022