By Hank
United Kingdom
My rhubarb which I moved to this spot some months ago looks healthyenough, there are plenty of sticks under all these leaves but only one of them is thicker than 1/4 of an ingh. Can I do anything about this ?

21 May, 2022
you often get thick and thin stalks, that's the nature of the plant.
Give it time and some will be thicker next year. Just be patient and give it a good feed now and again.
21 May, 2022
Thanks J, I wish I’d left it alone as it’s been really productive for several years.
22 May, 2022
I think the thin sticks have something to do with the very dry Spring we had. Mine are the same - wanted some at lunchtime and there were none fit to pull. I'm going to give it a feed wsith a general fertilizer, probably Miracle grow because there's some on the shelf. Also make sure it has enough water, which is what I didn't do as even carrying a canful raised my BP too high...
So sorry, I know how frustrated you'll be So am I.
22 May, 2022
Thanks for that suggestion Sue, I too have miracle grow in store. But I did give the rhubarb a canful every day during the dry weather.
23 May, 2022
Did you? Maybe if I'd done it as I should it wouldn't have made any difference then. You have comforted me a lot!
23 May, 2022
I would leave it alone for this year. Perhaps a good mulch with some stable manure or your own compost and a dressing of bone meal for a slow feed.
21 May, 2022