By Nite
United Kingdom
Last yr my Holly tree was ladened with berries,this yr as yet their is no sign of any berries forming,can the Holly change from female to male?as my other tree down the garden has loads forming on it .
31 May, 2022
No it didn`t this yr i kept an eye one it,berried heavy last yr.
31 May, 2022
that will be why there are no berries. The flower contains an ovary with the 'egg' that when fertilizer will develop into a berry. It has having a year off then.
31 May, 2022
Previous question
« These are popping up all over my garden, any know what it is?
No they cant change sex. It could be that when its flowers opened they were just not able to be pollinated. Did it flower as they can take a year off especially if they berried heavily the year before.
31 May, 2022