By Tinatiplady
United Kingdom
I purchased pa lot of verve seeds this year . The ones in the photo did not come up at all. I had the right containers and a greenhouse. If I am honest non of the others were amazing just ok. I was disappointed

5 Jun, 2022
welcome to GoY. That is so disappointing I know, but the ones that have grown will go from strength to strength when planted out in the garden.
I think Verve is B&Q's name for their plants/seeds.
I can just make out their names. Chinese Aster, white lobelia, white alyssium and the pink is it a Diascia? It has been a very strange year weather wise. I also sowed lots of seed and some days the greenhouse got just too hot and they died. So it could be that rather than poor quality seed.
6 Jun, 2022
Seeds seem to be getting more expensive every year. Even £1 at seed is not unusual for some F1's. Can I recommend that you purchase an electric propargator to make germination more certain. As Elieen says it is possible that young seedlings can die from the heat generated in a greenhouse. I have been shading my young plants with newspaper when the sun is intense and then shade the greenhouse with Coolglass.
6 Jun, 2022
Eileen that's amazing - no way could I see any flower names on those packets!
7 Jun, 2022
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« Anybody know what this is? It’s climbing up a tree in my yard.
Verve is the name of the seed brand, not not the name of the plants you are hoping for. They look like flower seeds from the photo but its hard to know what kind. Can you tell us what they were and just what you did with them?
5 Jun, 2022