By Ddfh123
United Kingdom
Our Roman tree is approx 20 yers old and has been fine until this year it has not burst a leaf yet, I assume it may be drought so I have lifted slabs which were lid a few years ago to open up the earth around it and watered regularly each day for the last week , is there any hope
6 Jun, 2022
welcome to GoY. Do you mean Rowan tree, mountain Ash?
They have usually flowered by now so there is something wrong. Scrape some bark back with your nail, if it is green underneath the bark it is alive. If it is brown then it has died. If there is a layer of white mushroom smelling stuff then it has a fungal infection such as honey fungus and it is dead or certainly dying. You will need to remove it.
Did you notice any toadstools around the base in the autumn.
6 Jun, 2022