i have 16 delphiniums I have gown from seed but also have a hedgehop in my garden so can't put pellets to kill the slugs
By Fadrick
United Kingdom
i have 16 delphiniums I have gown from seed but also have a hedgehog in my garden so can't put pellets to kill the slugs. Is there anything I can do?
On plant
8 Jun, 2022
Sheep wool pellets work for me but they are very expensive. I think they need renewing after rainfall too.
10 Jun, 2022
Welcome to GoY
put the skins of fresh oranges [ones that have been juiced] or grapefruits near to the plants and in the morning you may well have caught them. Beer traps also work well . crushed egg shells/ coarse grit may also deter them but they do tend to find their way in. I have found that older delphiniums seem less attractive to the slugs/snails.
8 Jun, 2022